from appscript import * def add_CYMK_color(doc, values: list, name: str): # add a CMYK color to document return doc.make(new=k.color, with_properties={ k.model: k.process, k.CMYK, k.color_value: values, name }) indd = app("Adobe InDesign CC 2019") doc = indd.make(new=k.document) page = doc.pages[1] tf = page.make(new=k.text_frame, with_properties={ k.contents: "\rHello World\rcontents", k.geometric_bounds: [20, 20, 100, 100] }) print("length of paragraphs: ", len(tf.paragraphs())) # 3 # p1 = tf.paragraphs[1] p2 = tf.paragraphs[2] p3 = tf.paragraphs[3] # 書体適用 fonts = indd.fonts # all fonts p1.applied_font.set(fonts['Arial\tRegular']) p2.applied_font.set(fonts['Apple Chancery\tChancery']) # 揃え指定 p2.justification.set(k.center_align) p3.justification.set(k.right_align) # 下線、トラッキング設定 p3.properties_.set({ k.underline: True, k.tracking: 200 }) # 色適用 c = add_CYMK_color(doc, [100, 0, 0, 0], "c") m = add_CYMK_color(doc, [0, 100, 0, 0], "m") y = add_CYMK_color(doc, [0, 0, 100, 20], "y") tf.paragraphs[1].fill_color.set(c)#塗り tf.paragraphs[2].stroke_color.set(m)#線 tf.paragraphs[2].stroke_tint.set(50)#線の透明度 tf.paragraphs[3].fill_color.set(y) # 段落追加 tf.insertion_points[1].contents.set("the first paragraph." * 10 + "\r\r") tf.insertion_points[-1].contents.set("\rthe last paragraph") tf.paragraphs[-1].justification.set(k.left_align) # 段落削除 # p3.contents.set("") # ドロップキャップ設定 p1.properties_.set({ k.drop_cap_characters: 3, k.drop_cap_lines: 2 })